Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mmm...Blueberry Oatmeal

Well, it's Wednesday.  That means my day off.  Haha.  That's right.  For whatever reason the owners do not wish to have the fitness place cleaned on Wednesdays.  So, I usually take this time to pick up a little around the house, do some sweeping and cleaning here.  Every-now-and-then I will go out to get away from it all such as going hiking on Roan Mountain.  

I get to have my second interview in over a year this Friday.  I have to drive 4.5 hours to Lexington, KY.  I'm staying at my brother's for the night and then on Friday, going to Frankfort (aka: The State Capital of KY).  I have to go before the Oral Interview Board with the Kentucky State Police for the position of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer I.  I am not sure what to expect.  I'm looking forward to doing an interview.  But I'm not going to get my hopes up.  Those who know me and my personality would probably say that I don't fit the mold of a typical cop.  I would have to agree.  So with my various part-time work experience, youth ministry degree, non-military, non-security guard, non-law enforcement experience, I get to present myself to them.  

I have written a few letters to 5 various employees for the Cincinnati Reds about any possible employment.  I figured since baseball and the Reds are a huge passion of mine, why not see if I can get some type of FT gig with them.  I wrote to the head groundskeeper, the head of community relations, and then the top three guys who run the Reds organization about chaplaincy and business operations possibilities.  I figured it couldn't hurt.  The worse thing that could happen is to never hear anything back or get told "no."  And I'm used to that so that's no big loss on my part.  

One big part of my outlook concerning all the jobs I apply to is this: I give it to God.  I tell Him that if this isn't what He has in store for me or how He wants to use me for His purpose then to keep the door closed with that job.  Give it to the person who needs the job more.  Give it to the father of three who is trying to figure out how to make ends meet.  So with these hundreds of jobs I've applied to, I know that me getting rejected is an answered prayer.  Sure it stinks at times when I think in terms of worldly, fleshly pleasures/desires/wants but I quickly remind myself that He is in control and He did answer my prayer.  So in my continued, ambitious pursuit of getting some form of career started, I know He is preparing me for something far bigger and better than I can come up with in my own thinking.  He (God) has something great in store.  

So I'm thinking for the interview, I will walk in with a sweet handle bar 'stache and my aviators on to show them that I can at least look the part.  What do you think??


  1. Personally, I would go with a Reno 911 look and add some short shorts to go with the 'stache and aviators.

  2. You should bring your junior police kit too, show them how your good with your plastic cuffs.

  3. I like that you wrote to actual people in positions at the Reds and not just "human resources." It's much better to apply to the actual department than to have your resume go to HR and sit in a pile with others.
